Investment packages or why it is worth investing🍀

wegrower alliance
2 min readMay 10, 2021

Why do the rich get richer?🍀

You have heard the phrase in your life that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer every year. Have you ever wondered why this is happening?

In fact, there is no terrible secret here. This is due to the very essence of the capitalist economy and the laws of the market itself.

A rich person, like a poor person, has some kind of monthly, quarterly, annual income. The secret of his wealth is not how much he earns, but what he spends he earned money on. And he spends them, if in a simple way, on something that grows in price. And we are talking not only about the purchase of luxury real estate, art, and other things, thus rich people only protect their personal capital from the inflation process. We are talking here about investing living capital in growing markets. And the more the market grows and the more part of the market a person owns, the more he gets richer every day.

Why don’t the poor get richer but get poorer?

It’s simple. Most of the money earned is spent on necessary expenses like housing, food, etc. — this is understandable. But what about the money that he has left? Either they are stored under the mattress,

or spent on all sorts of excesses (everything that does not bring a return profit). As a result, a person lives from paycheck to paycheck. Or his capital under the mattress is eaten up by the inflation process. And in any case, a person does not become richer, and since the cost of living rises all the time, a person becomes poorer.

🍀How to get richer?

The answer is very simple. Don’t put profits under the mattress, but invest in growing markets. Many people now thought: “To make a thousand, I need to invest several tens of thousands, but I don’t have that kind of money” and in ordinary investment funds, this is exactly the case. That is why we decided to create our own company in which ordinary people can invest money and make a profit of 500% in 11 months.

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